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Our Mission is to promote and maintain a high quality of life where people live and work.
Code Enforcement investigates violations of housing, zoning and vehicle abatement laws in the unincorporated Sacramento County. We work to achieve voluntary compliance through notification and education. When necessary, we use legal procedures including boarding structures, removing junk and rubbish and junk vehicles, civil citations, criminal citations and demolition of dangerous buildings. Our goal is to maintain and improve property values and the quality of life for residents, visitors and business owners.
Why Enforce County Codes?
- Help in the fight to reduce crime and improve quality of life
- Protect health and safety
- Help maintain property values
- Prevent the physical and aesthetic deterioration of our community
- Enhance, maintain, and develop business districts to foster economic growth
Our Formula For Success? Education + Problem Solving = Compliance
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- Fence or secure properties that might attract trespassers or vandals
- Keep grounds and structures clean and tidy
- Do not tolerate illicit activity
- Report violations and nuisances
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苹果手机上推特教程Investigative Progress